AMDB | An Integral Part of the Modern Aeronautical Information Management (AIM)

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AMDB | An Integral Part of the Modern Aeronautical Information Management (AIM)

An AMDB is a Geographic Information System (GIS) based representation describing the topography of an airport. The geometry of aerodrome features is modelled by points, lines and polygons. Additional information characterizing the features and their functions is stored as attributes. Examples of attributes are name or identifier, quality parameters and surface type. Vertical information, height and elevation, is also stored in the form of attributes for some features. Aerodrome mapping data is provided for the following feature classes: Runways, Helipads, Taxiways, Aprons, Vertical structures, Construction areas, Water, Hotspots, Aerodrome surface lighting, Quality data.
For AMDB generation aerial images or high resolution remote sensing satellite images with a spatial resolution of 1 m or lesser are suitable. Geometrically corrected and geo-referenced imagery allows the digitizing of two-dimensional aerodrome mapping data. For AMDBs with elevation and height values, special photogrammetry software is required for the determination of three-dimensional coordinates.
AMDB follows certain Standards…
Some international authorities are there to regulate and set standards related to civil aviation and they documented all standards and quality aspects needed to follow while creating an Aerodrome Mapping Database(AMDB). The following are some of standards that describe the structure of AMDBs.
  1. RTCA DO-276/EUROCAE ED-98
  2. RTCA DO-291/EUROCAE ED-119
  3. ICAO requirements contained in Annex 15
  4. AIXM (Aeronautical Information Exchange Model) requirements
 Why use AMDB…?
The purpose of the AMDB is to show an airport in digital form to pilots, everybody else navigating on the airport site, and the traffic controllers in the tower. Maps, charts, elevation models are all obvious requirements for safe and efficient air transportation. Multiple user classes can benefit from using these database, including: pilots, controllers, aerodrome managers and aerodrome security personnel. AMDB is used in following:
  •  Runway operations
  •  Emergency and security service management
  •  Surveillance and runway incursion detection and alerting.
  •  Aerodrome surface guidance and navigation.
  •  Aerodrome facility and asset management.
  •  Route and hold-short display and deviation detection and alerting.
  •  Chart information.
  •  Display and digital ATIS information.
  •  Aerodrome and airline resource management.
  • Training (flight simulation).
  • Notice to Airman (NOTAM) and aeronautical data overlays.
  • Synthetic vision.
  • Low visibility operation.
AMDB are used in a wide variety of applications but mostly in on-board applications such as Electronic Flight Bags (EFBs). These applications are intended primarily to improve the user’s situational awareness and/or to supplement surface navigation, thereby increasing safety margins and operational efficiency.
AMDBs mostly include 3 main aspects: Aerodrome Mapping, Obstacle Mapping and Electronic Terrain (DTM)
Aerodrome Mapping
Aerodrome mapping data include aerodrome geographic information that support applications which improve the user’s situational awareness or supplement surface navigation, thereby increasing safety margins and operational efficiency. Aerodrome mapping data sets with appropriate data element accuracy support requirements for collaborative decision making, common situational awareness, and aerodrome guidance applications and are intended to be used in the following air navigation applications:
a) Position and route awareness including moving maps with own ship position, surface guidance and navigation
b) Traffic awareness including surveillance and runway incursion detection and alerting
c) Facilitation of aerodrome related aeronautical information, including NOTAMs
d) Resource and aerodrome facility management and
e) Aeronautical chart production.
The data may also be used in other applications such as training / flight simulator and synthetic vision systems.
Aerodrome mapping data should be supported by electronic terrain and obstacle data in order to ensure consistency and quality of all geographical data related to the aerodrome.
AMDB layers are organized into 5 categories related to their function within the aerodrome: Runways, Taxiways, Aprons, Vertical Structures, and Other Data. These layers encompass surfaces, locations, structures, objects, and operational features such as aprons, runways, buildings, lighting, taxiway guidance lines, intersections, holding positions, service roads, frequency areas, markings, and many more. Detailed attributes are added to the vector objects using image interpretation, publicly available airport diagrams, and customer provided data. This attribution provides additional information beyond the spatial location, allowing the user to have access to specific details relating to characteristics and function of the aerodrome features.
Obstacle Mapping
All fixed (whether temporary or permanent) and mobile objects, or parts thereof, that are located on an area intended for the surface movement of aircraft or that extend above a defined surface intended to protect aircraft in flight is an obstacle. Obstacle data elements are features, which are represented by points, lines or polygons such as a pole, power cables, or a building. It comprises the digital representation of the vertical and horizontal extent of man-made and natural significant features such as isolated rock pillars and natural vegetation (trees). Obstacle data include those features which have vertical significance in relation to adjacent and surrounding features and which are considered as potential hazards for air navigation.
Few attributes that must be recorded for obstacle data are area of coverage, data originator identifier, elevation, height, horizontal accuracy/resolution/extent, vertical accuracy/resolution/extent, obstacle type, lighting, marking and so on.
Electronic Terrain
A terrain database is a digital representation of the vertical extent (elevation) of the terrain at a number of discrete points. Terrain databases are also referred to as digital elevation models (DEMs), digital terrain models (DTMs), and digital surface models (DSMs). Terrain databases consist of a regular or irregular distribution of points. Major features of a terrain database include geometric distribution/position of discrete points, horizontal/vertical datum and specific units of measurement.
The applications that use terrain data are:
  • Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) with forward looking terrain avoidance function
  • Minimum Safe Altitude Warning (MSAW) system
  • Determination of contingency procedures for use in the event of an emergency during a missed approach or take-off
  • Aircraft operating limitations analysis
  • Instrument Procedure Design (including circling procedure)
  • Determination of en-route “drift down” procedures and en-route emergency landing location
  • Advanced Surface Movement Guidance and Control System (A-SMGCS)
  • Aeronautical chart production and on-board databases
  • Flight simulator
  • Synthetic Vision
  • Aerodrome/heliport obstacle restriction and removal

                            DTM of Shreveport Downtown Airpor

DTM is created using high resolution stereo pair imagery. Ground Control Points (GCPs) are incorporated to achieve highest level of accuracy and quality. The requirements for terrain data quality (accuracy, integrity and resolution) are provided for the following areas:

Area 1: entire territory of a State
Area 2: terminal control area
Area 3: aerodrome/heliport area
Area 4: Category II or III operations area
Low Visibility Procedures
Low Visibility Procedures (LVP) is usually defined as a set of procedures established at an aerodrome in support of CAT II/III approaches and landings and of take-offs with RVR below 550 m. When meteorological conditions deteriorate to such an extent that the cloud base drops to a certain level, or the horizontal visibility decreases below a certain value, then it might become necessary to establish Low Visibility Procedures at airfield. LVPs are very beneficial to increase the serviceability of the maneuvering area and increase the attractively of an aerodrome to its users.
As ground or tower controller you need to have sufficient visibility in order to exercise control based on visual reference (not applicable if you are controlling only with IvAc Radar). Pilots are required to have obtained the required visual reference on ground or for the approach they are flying at the published weather minima. When the meteorological conditions have deteriorated to such an extent that either or both of these is no longer possible, Low Visibility Procedures should be introduced to be able to continue the operation.
It is a complex and constant challenge for airports around the world to ensure safety and efficiency on the ground. Aerodrome Mapping Database represents a collection of aerodrome information that is organized and arranged for ease of electronic storage and retrieval in systems that support aerodrome surface movements, training, charting, and planning. Authorities use AMDBs to design and enhance surface movements for routine or low-visibility operations. Taxiing routes can be optimized to maximize flow efficiency, and to minimize the chance of runway incursions. Multiple user groups, such as pilots, controllers, aerodrome managers, aerodrome emergency/security personnel etc., can benefit from using AMDBs.


SATPALDA is a privately owned company and a leading provider of satellite imagery and GeoSpatial services to the user community. Established in 2002, SATPALDA has successfully completed wide range of photogrammetric and Remote Sensing Projects.