Satellite Imagery

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SATPALDA is your one-stop source for high-resolution satellite imagery. SATPALDA is a leading provider of satellite imagery, with a wide range of options to meet the needs of our clients. Our satellite imagery is used for various applications such as mapping, urban planning, natural resource management, and more.

We understand that every project is unique, and that’s why we offer a variety of satellite imagery options with different resolutions and sensor types.

Our satellite imagery options include:

Worldview (.31 m to .50 m)

Worldview is a high-resolution satellite imagery that provides detailed imagery of the earth's surface. With resolutions ranging from .31 m to .50 m, it is ideal for applications such as mapping, urban planning, and natural resource management.

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Superview (0.50 m)

Superview is a high-resolution satellite imagery that provides detailed imagery of the earth's surface. With a resolution of 0.50 m, it is ideal for applications such as mapping, urban planning, and natural resource management.

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KazEoSat (0.50 m to 1 m)

KazEoSat is a high-resolution satellite imagery that provides detailed imagery of the earth's surface. With resolutions ranging from 0.50 m to 1 m, it is ideal for applications such as mapping, urban planning, and natural resource management.

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GeoEye (0.41)

GeoEye is a high-resolution satellite imagery that provides detailed imagery of the earth's surface. With a resolution of 0.41, it is ideal for applications such as mapping, urban planning, and natural resource management.

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Pleiades (0.50 m)

Pleiades is a high-resolution satellite imagery that provides detailed imagery of the earth's surface. With a resolution of 0.50 m, it is ideal for applications such as mapping, urban planning, and natural resource management.

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SPOT (1.5 m)

SPOT is a medium-resolution satellite imagery that provides detailed imagery of the earth's surface. With a resolution of 1.5 m, it is ideal for applications such as mapping, urban planning, and natural resource management.

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GRUS (2.5 m)

GRUS is a medium-resolution satellite imagery that provides detailed imagery of the earth's surface. With a resolution of 2.5 m, it is ideal for applications such as agriculture mapping.

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