The Agriculture sector is a crucial part of the economy and is vital for food security and sustainable development. Despite the declining share of the agriculture sector in the Indian economy, agriculture still has a major role; after all, India is the largest producer of milk, pulses, and spices, as well as the largest area under wheat, rice, and cotton. Today, this industry is faced with a lot of challenges, such as the correct estimation of time to plant new crops, better management of water resources, and much more. SATPALDA provides a range of geospatial services to support the agriculture industry and optimize crop yields.
Our services include:

Farm Management Solutions
We provide customized solutions to farmers, agribusinesses and government agencies to manage and optimize their farm operations. Our solutions include precision farming, precision irrigation, crop mapping and monitoring, and crop health analysis.

Crop Monitoring
We use remote sensing and GIS technology to monitor crop growth and health, and provide early warning of potential crop failures. Our services include crop phenology mapping, crop condition monitoring, and crop stress analysis.

Soil Mapping
Our team utilizes advanced techniques and technologies to create detailed soil maps that provide valuable information for crop selection, fertilization, and irrigation. Our soil maps can also be used for land-use planning and conservation efforts.

Crop Insurance Solutions
We provide geospatial services to support crop insurance companies in assessing crop losses and claims. Our services include crop damage assessment, crop yield modeling, and crop loss estimation.

Crop Yield Modeling
We use remote sensing and GIS technology to model crop yield and assess the potential productivity of a given area. Our services include crop yield forecasting, crop yield mapping, and crop yield estimation.

We provide services to support sustainable forest management. Our services include forest cover mapping, forest inventory, and forest health monitoring.

Land Use Land Cover Mapping
We use remote sensing and GIS technology to map land use and land cover. Our services include land use land cover classification, change detection, and land use planning.

Watershed Management
We provide services to support the management of water resources in catchment areas. Our services include watershed mapping, water resource assessment, and flood and drought modeling.

Disaster Management
We provide services to support disaster management and emergency response. Our services include disaster risk assessment, damage assessment, and post-disaster recovery planning.

Ground Truthing Solutions
We provide ground truthing services to validate and verify the accuracy of remote sensing data. Our services include field measurements, ground truth data collection, and data quality assessment.

Irrigation Network Mapping
We use aerial mapping and remote sensing techniques to create detailed maps of irrigation networks. These maps can be used to optimize water usage, identify leaks and malfunctions, and plan for future expansion.

Precision Agriculture
Our precision agriculture solutions use advanced technologies such as GPS, drones, and sensors to provide farmers with real-time information on crop growth, soil moisture, and weather conditions. This allows farmers to make data-driven decisions to optimize crop yields and reduce costs.
SATPALDA is dedicated to providing our clients with the most accurate and up-to-date information to support their decision-making process. Our services are tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients and are backed by a team of experienced professionals. Contact us today to learn more about how we can support your agriculture business.