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2013 Additions to Satellite Archives – 2 : India

DigitalGlobe’s(previously GeoEye’s) satellites GeoEye-1 and Ikonos are two stalwarts of International Remote Sensing arena. Ikonos satellite was the first one to acquire imagery at sub-meter resolution. This made satellite imagery more attractive general public. People were really able to identify cultural features or even their houses in the satellite image. This was not possible until… Continue reading 2013 Additions to Satellite Archives – 2 : India

Landsat 8 Going Full Steam, Collecting 400 scenes a Day !

Landsat Data Continuity Mission(LDCM) or soon to be rechristened Landsat 8 is operating normally as per the latest update from NASA. The two Systems onbaord Operational Land Imager (OLI) and Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) have been ramping up their collection rate steadily and have now reached 4000 scene/day. Optimal design rate for the both sensors… Continue reading Landsat 8 Going Full Steam, Collecting 400 scenes a Day !


Landsat 8 and Landsat 7 comparison, First Look

Landsat Data Continuity Mission or Landsat 8 has been long awaited since the failure of the Scan Line Corrector onboard the Landsat ETM+ satellite sensor, just 4 years after its launch in 1999. There was 22% data loss in each scene which severely affected efforts on Climate change and various other Environmental studies. NASA was… Continue reading Landsat 8 and Landsat 7 comparison, First Look

Post Merger DigitalGlobe announces ‘Bridge’ Pricing

On the first day of February we did a post on merger of DigitalGlobe and GeoEye. You can see it here. Market capitalization of the merged entity is $2.1 billion. The new entity, still named DigitalGlobe, is in the course of merging processes, products and pricing. In order to systematically tackle the complexity of merger… Continue reading Post Merger DigitalGlobe announces ‘Bridge’ Pricing

Pleiades Captures Massive Salvage Operation of Costa Concordia

The 50,000 ton Italian cruise ship, Costa Concordia, which ran aground last year due to error made by its Captain was righted after massive salvage efforts by a team of engineers and mariners. This has been the most expensive salvage operation in marine history. The very high resolution Pleiades satellite, captured the refloating on 17… Continue reading Pleiades Captures Massive Salvage Operation of Costa Concordia

Nearest Coffee shop to remotest oil rig , Digitalglobe Basemaps covers it all for its customers(Part 2)

DigitalGlobe Basemap +Metro is high resolution orthophoto product for customers who need spatial data of major capitals and major cities of the world with population over 2 million. It is an easy access to world`s most important cities according to the Globalization and World Cities Research Network. DG uses its high resolution satellites and third party… Continue reading Nearest Coffee shop to remotest oil rig , Digitalglobe Basemaps covers it all for its customers(Part 2)