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Soil Mapping

The modern technique of soil mapping has developed as a consequence of the advancements made in the domains of GIS and remote sensing technologies. Analyzing the spatial contextual relationship of soils brought about a revolution in decision-making related to crop selection, irrigation, fertilization, and also conservation of the soil, in the minds of agriculturalists and… Continue reading Soil Mapping

How to Get a Current Satellite View of My Property?

The demand to view real-time or recently captured images of a specific place, for instance, private properties is surging. Being that the current state of GIS and remote sensing technology makes it very easy to get a sat view of your property, people will not be able to use it appropriately without knowledge about the… Continue reading How to Get a Current Satellite View of My Property?

Agricultural Imagery

Agricultural Imagery

Technological advancement in the application of Geographic Information Systems has transformed agriculture completely over the past decade. In recent times, this has been through agricultural imagery starting from using satellite and drone-based imagery to have a watchful eye on monitoring, managing and optimizing farming activities. Thus, it is through this process that Precision Agriculture Mapping… Continue reading Agricultural Imagery

Agricultural Mapping

Agriculture has always been the core of human civilization over centuries but the processes it has had to embrace in order to cater to the expansive populations, variability of climate and meager resources have been changing with time. Meanwhile, using GIS technology, mapping agriculture has become a wonderful powerful tool for optimizing farming practices. Agricultural… Continue reading Agricultural Mapping

Space Imaging

NASA s/n1126 83.3F

While satellite imagery is often used synonymously with space imaging the latter is a crucial factor in GIS and Earth observation technologies. It can capture images of the Earth’s surface using high-resolution cameras, multispectral sensors as well as satellite-based systems employing radar technology. Such imaging is then found to be of great use to sectors… Continue reading Space Imaging

Aerial Photogrammetry

The very high-resolution images captured through aerial platforms like drones, helicopters or aircraft yield geospatial data. These images are overlapped to reconstruct the 2D orthophoto or 3D DEMs. During this process, stereo photogrammetry retrieves accurate geographic information by comparing variations of perspective between overlapping images or more. The use of aerial photogrammetry by the GIS… Continue reading Aerial Photogrammetry

Stereoscopic Imagery

Stereoscopic imagery is the method for enhancing an illusion of three-dimensional (3D) vision by displaying two slightly offset images separately to each eye. This duplicates the binocular vision of humans allowing one to observe depth and spatial relationships. Stereoscopic imagery is used in many applications within GIS such as photogrammetry, topographic mapping and environmental modeling.… Continue reading Stereoscopic Imagery

Application of Remote Sensing

Remote sensing is considered an essential part of the technology in GIS. It has immense capabilities to collect, analyze and interpret data acquired from the Earth’s surface. Technical improvements in satellites, UAVs and ground-based sensors have made remote sensing an integral part of spatial analysis and greatly indispensable within the majority of industries. Environmental Monitoring… Continue reading Application of Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing Satellites

Remote sensing refers to the process of acquiring information about an object or phenomenon without making direct contact where this process typically involves detecting and measuring electromagnetic radiation (EMR) that is reflected or emitted by objects on Earth’s surface. Remote Sensing Satellites equipped with sensors record this radiation across various spectral bands ranging from visible… Continue reading Remote Sensing Satellites

Ikonos Satellite

Launched by Space Imaging in 1999, the Ikonos satellite evolved into a ground-breaking tool for remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and as one of the first commercial Earth observation satellites in history, it offered exceptionally precise high-resolution satellite imagery. It was a turning point for the remote sensing and GIS industries enabling experts… Continue reading Ikonos Satellite