WorldDEM™ & TerraSAR-X Summer Sale (50% off)

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WorldDEM™ & TerraSAR-X Summer Sale (50% off)

Airbus Defence and Space 2017 announces the Summer Sale Campaign, which provides 50% discount off the regular "TerraSAR-X and WorldDEM™ International Price-list.  The offer is applicable for months of July and August 2017.


  • Only valid for orders placed between 1st July 00:00 UTC and 31st August 23:59 UTC.
  • Time stamp of the incoming order used as citation.
  • Minimum order size as specified in the ‘TerraSAR-X and WorldDEMTM International Pricelist’ apply.
  • Offer does not apply to WorldDEMcore, WorldDEM DTM, WorldDEM Bundle or other WorldDEM derivative products.
  • No additional volume discounts applicable.
  • Discount cannot be combined with other contracts/offers.

Detail of the products:


WorldDEM™ is a high-resolution elevation data provided by the two partners i.e. German Aerospace centre (DLR) and Airbus Defense and Space. It is generated from imagery captured from TanDEM-X. TanDEM-X is the twin satellite of TerraSAR-X, flying in a closely controlled formation with TerraSAR-X having a typical distance between 250 and 500 m. The data collected from this mission is used to generate the WorldDEM™.

WorldDEM™ has the following features:

  •  Pole-to-pole coverage: Homogenous standardized DEM for any place on the globe.
  •  Unique Quality: Superior elevation information anywhere on the globe.
  •  Unrivalled accuracy: 2m (relative) / 4m (absolute) vertical accuracy in a 12m x 12m raster.
  •  Digital Surface Models and Terrain Models available.
  •  Easy access.

             WorldDEM detail and accuracy compared to SRTM data. © Airbus Defence and Space 2017


  • Satellite image Orthorectification.
  • Military and civil aviation.
  • Management of oil and gas fields.
  • Defence and security related missions.
  • Watershed analysis.


TerraSAR-X is an active matrix, X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), capable of acquiring data with a resolution of 1 meter, and in all weather conditions, both during the daytime and at night-time. TerraSAR-X has a repetition period of 11 days. Nevertheless, it can observe on both positions of its trajectory, which means it can acquire any degree on Earth every 4.5 days; furthermore 90% of these peaks are covered every 2 days. The Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) operates in three modes: spotlight mode, strip-map mode and scan SAR mode.

                                                 Image © Airbus Defence and Space 2017.

TerraSAR-X was launched on June 15, 2007, and has been in operation since January 2008, since then the satellite provides outstanding service to their customers. WorldDEM™ is a high-resolution elevation data with accuracy 2m (relative) / 4m (absolute), provided by the two partners, i.e. German Aerospace Centre (DLR) and Airbus Defense and Space.

TerraSAR-X diagnostic features:

  • Flexible spatial resolution (1m / 3m / 18.5m) and footprint: very high result for specific small areas, medium resolution for big regions.
  • Geometric accuracy unparalleled by any other commercial spaceborne sensor today.
  • Excellent radiometric fidelity.
  • Weather-independent acquisition time of 2.5 days max. (2 days at 95% probability) to any level on Earth
  • Unique agility (Quick switching between imaging modes and various polarisation modes)


Airbus Defense and Space 2017   offers  50% price reduction compared to the standard price and it is valid for July and August month 2017. WorldDEM™ is a high-resolution elevation data which provide 2m (relative) / 4m (absolute) vertical accuracy in a 12m x 12m raster. TerraSAR-X is an active matrix, X-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), capable of acquiring data with a resolution of 1 meter, and in all weather conditions.

For more information:

Contact: +91-9990862659



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