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Pléiades 1B starts Commercial Collections

Launched on 2nd December 2012, Pleiades 1B, the twin counterpart of Pleiades 1A, has finally completed the commissioning phase. The satellite sensor is now operating normally. Pleiades 1A and Pleiades 1B form a true constellation that offers more frequent revisit opportunity that any other satellite constellation in it category. The Pléiades constellation is designed to… Continue reading Pléiades 1B starts Commercial Collections


Enhanced Line Rate imagery

A new term doing rounds of Remote Sensing circles is Enhanced Line Rate imagery. What actually is Enhanced Line Rate? Pushbroom sensors such as IKONOS acquire data using a line of sensors arranged perpendicular to the flight direction of the spacecraft. It is a large focal plane detector array, capable of generating thousands of line… Continue reading Enhanced Line Rate imagery


ISRO to Launch Cartosat 3 with 25 cm resolution

The Indian Space Research Organisation(ISRO) plans to build, Cartosat-3, capable of taking images of the earth with a resolution of 0.25 metres. Currently, GeoEye-1 provides the highest resolution satellites imagery taken by a commercial satellite. Currently owned by DigitalGlobe after recent merger with GeoEye, this American satellite provides images at 0.41m resolution. WorldView-2, another satellite… Continue reading ISRO to Launch Cartosat 3 with 25 cm resolution


2013 Additions to Satellite Archives – 2 : India

DigitalGlobe’s(previously GeoEye’s) satellites GeoEye-1 and Ikonos are two stalwarts of International Remote Sensing arena. Ikonos satellite was the first one to acquire imagery at sub-meter resolution. This made satellite imagery more attractive general public. People were really able to identify cultural features or even their houses in the satellite image. This was not possible until… Continue reading 2013 Additions to Satellite Archives – 2 : India


Image of the Day : Millau Viaduct

Designed by the French engineer Michel Virlogeux and British architect Norman Foster, Millau Viaduct is the tallest bridge in the world with one mast’s summit at 343.0 metre above the ground. It is the 12th highest bridge deck in the world, being 270 metres between the road deck and the ground below. It is basically… Continue reading Image of the Day : Millau Viaduct
