Technology For Modern Day Engineering

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Technology For Modern Day Engineering

Scientist investigate that which already is, Engineers create that which has never been.
                                                                                             -Albert Einstein
Creating something which has never been is an art and science at the same time. Engineering is not remain the same as it was in the initial stages of its development. Construction of infrastructures is touching new height in term of technology and complexity.
GIS for planning of infrastructures
Infrastructure planning plays an important role in the economic development. Application of GIS in this area is wider and of great help to reduce operational/ administration time and cost. GIS interactive mapping solutions for infrastructures include:
  • Land surveying
  • Project design and layout
  • GIS facility mapping: computer, online and mobile platforms
  • Direct mobile access to data and maps allowing for staff real-time updates
  • Coordination with surveyor for access to the base maps and records
  • Annual updates
  • Record drawing updated and integration
Smart maps for smart cities
Smart maps are an important tool for creating and managing smart cities. GIS based smart maps are combined faculty of spatial and non-spatial data. Today, a growing number of cities rely on GIS to unlock powerful insights that would otherwise be hidden in data. GIS has got the proficiency to model the real world of the city in totality.
Roads and highways
GIS technology allows transportation maintenance and inspection crews to save time when collecting and updating information from remote locations. Now a day's satellite data and UAV imageries are used for this purpose. Satellite data and geospatial technology is useful in providing inputs in highway and infrastructure projects for preparation of detailed project reports (DPR), prefeasibility status in new alignment, upgrade and road widening, monitoring of road segments under construction and the Road Asset Management System(RAMS).
Construction of dams
Application of remote sensing and GIS techniques in hydrology is today one of the most effective approaches. Recently, remote sensing has provided valuable datasets to examine hydrological variables and morphological changes over large regions at different spatial and temporal scales. Data is collected from different GIS, Photogrammetry, LiDAR and other geospatial sources. A proper geological mapping, land cover mapping, Digital Terrain Model (DTM), orthorectified imagery or high resolution satellite imagery serve as an input for the planning and construction work. A DGPS survey or a UAV survey of the site is needed to be done for the planning and engineering inputs. Slope, settlement and rainfall are the three main criterion on the basis of which the data is collected.
Tunnel Engineering
Selection of most appropriate site is the most important phase in tunnel construction. locations of tunnel portals, maximum grade, soil type and the interactions with the surrounding landscape is important to know. GIS can be used in extraction of geographical features of the real world. Analysis is based on elevation,  slope, aspect,  urban  features,  historical  monuments,  existing road, fault lines, soil and drainage lines. The analysis determines how these factors will fit into the design process to evaluate the suitable tunnel route. Digital Elevation model (DEM) is the main data that contribute in this analysis. High resolution satellite image, topographic map and geological map are the other essential inputs.
Railway administration all around the world are using remote sensing, GIS and photogrammetry for railway route selection and for the in-depth study of the proposed areas. Transportation engineers give more attention to GIS applications in route location and route alignment, due to their ability to consider many spatial variables simultaneously. GIS contributes in Infrastructure management and maintenance planning for railways which include bridges, tunnels, and track networks, communications and signalling networks, electric power distribution networks, rail yards and other campus facilities.
All the bridge attribute data can be successfully linked to the digitised base map. GIS based bridge management system is well adopted among engineers. High resolution imageries using UAV is significant in monitoring the current conditions of bridges. Sophisticated GIS software's are used to create mathematical solutions for bridge alignment and planning.
Infrastructure planning plays an important role in the economic development. Application of GIS in this area is wide and can be of great help to reduce operational/ administration time and cost. GIS along with remote sensing is used for the planning, analysis and execution of infrastructure projects. Satellite imageries, UAV services and 3D landscape models (DTM/DSM) are extremely useful for the construction, maintenance and security of infrastructures.


SATPALDA is a privately owned company and a leading provider of satellite imagery and GeoSpatial services to the user community. Established in 2002, SATPALDA has successfully completed wide range of photogrammetric and Remote Sensing Projects.